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Oct 31, 2022

The vital elephant matriarch.

If all goes well the oldest and wisest elephant cow leads the family herd for well over 15 years – the matriarch. She has shown the herd she deserves this high status – she has earned their loyalty and respect. They adore her. 

The family herd will regularly travel along ancient routes and besides teaching them this and good manners and also their place in elephant society, she dispenses wisdom and infinite knowledge by teaching them where hidden food and water exists and other important life and survival skills.

For example, they might have to cross a challenging desert, but she knows where to drink enough water and stock up on fuel (food) before they travel across that barren area. She shows them, teaches them (which they remember) for further travels, when she is no longer around, or they have left the family herd – like young bulls know a bit before they team up with a bachelor herd that have a patriarch or when fully mature and seeking a cow in oestrus – he can navigate on his own because she taught him critical survival strategies. 

This grand old lady ensures her trusting herd has enough energy to transverse a challenging journey and then the caches where vital food and water offers replenishment after that exhausting journey.

That type of knowledge takes many years to attain.

This is why it is devastating for a herd to lose their beloved matriarch, who is likely the grandmother to most of them. If she dies prematurely, this can break up the herd or completely destroy them. Often her eldest daughter will have to take over her proven status – the daughter may only be about 35 years – still far too young to know where, what and how. Unfortunately, we see this more and more often due to the circumstances already mentioned – broken family herds. 

  • Photo: Clint Ralph. clintralphphotography   

20 Mar, 2023
Some great news!
13 Mar, 2023
This enormous continent is home to many fantastic wild animals and the two we identify with the most, or most iconic, most popular. Well... 'most' of everything, is the lion and then the elephant. I have much to say about the prey animal – the elephant, but this post is about Africa's two top predators – The African lion and the largely ignored, Spotted hyena – Africa's two top predators. I am, however, focussing and highlighting that phenomenal intelligent fighter that is unfortunately greatly underestimated – the spotted hyena. They are and will always be Africa's greatest warrior. The first clear sign is that they are born into brutality and only the strongest will survive. Spotted hyena cubs are born with eyes open and already armed with teeth. The reason for that is that they have to fight for their survival from the moment they are born. The mother only has two teats and sometimes three cubs are born – not the usual amount, one or two. Competition for food is fierce and to survive the cubs have to fight from the moment they are born. Even if there are only two cubs born – the competition for food never fades and this they carry forth to adulthood – and in the end only one or more rarely, only two cubs will remain if there were three (an example).
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Awful and shocking photo, I know, but please read further: 
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